Gene Function Annotations
Orthologous gene mapping across species
Gene ontology annotation
Biological pathway annotation
Other gene annotation
Enrichment Analysis
Enrichment analysis
Network and Module Analysis
Gene regulatory network analysis
TF gene interaction database
miRNA-gene interaction database
ceRNA-gene interaction database
Analysis and visualization tools
Text Mining
Knowledge graph/text mining
Prediction of Potential Drugs
Prediction of potential drug (Pharmocogenomics)
Condition-specific Analysis
Spatial and temporal variation
Discovering tissue-specific gene markers
Cell deconvolution
Dynamics inference
Cell-cell communication
Classification and Clustering
Classification analysis
Clustering analysis
Gene-Phenotype Association Analysis
Gene and phenotype association analysis
Time-to-event analysis
> Gene Function Annotations
Chapter 1
Gene Function Annotations
Discover the basic biological function of genes. 👨🏻💻👨🏻💻👨🏻💻